Hey!Aici veți găsi multe trucuri şi sfaturi pentru medoll-ul tău cum ar fi concursuri, cum să îți decorezi Suite-ul, toturiale pentru machiaj şi nailart, outfits, interview-uri, ....Abonați-vă la blog pentru mai multe avantaje! Nu uitați să dați LIKE / LOVE şi să lăsați părerea prin comentariile voastre! -Sclipiciii (click pe nick sa-mi vizitezi profilul ).

News and some changes

The ''Summer pass'' will be back today! xD
It gives you 90 days of Superstar, 400 stardollars, 400 starcoins and 10 amazing gifts. xD

Later, we gonna have a new Glamour collection!
Wanted more friends at your party?Now you can have a max. of 15 dolls xD
 Now you can change your friends in Colleague or Neighbor.

New decor for NSS

(Click the picture to zoom in.)
It`s around 500 starcoins and the table was 7 stardollars.In case you are NSS click here to win 35+ stardollars to buy the table.If you can`t or don`t want to get the stardollars, replace the table with another one that you like.

New dress-up doll - Can Bonomo

Can Bonomo ( born 16 May, 1987 ) is a Turkish singer of Sephardic Jewish descent who will represent Turkey in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Click here to dress-up Can Bonomo.

New Riviera

Will you buy any?
Click here to go to Starplaza.

Pick of the day

Today we have Rio Electric Blue Heels ( 5 stardollars ).
Click here to buy Rio Electric Blue Heels.

RIO Chicas updated

We have new items in Starplaza from RIO Chicas.Click here to go to Starplaza.

How to get 35 stardollars (useful for NSS)

Chair daca esti Superstar sau nu, puteti castiga 35+ stardollars foarte simplu.

1.Va trebuie un cont de Facebook si unul de Twitter ( daca nu aveti puteti crea unele false) si sa va conectati contul de Stardoll.Pentru a va conecta trebuie sa va duce-ti in Settings ( Setari ) si cautati ceea ce vedeti in poza:
Acum click pe Connect ( Conectare ) si veti primi 10 stardollars pentru fiecare.Aceasta este valabila o singura data.Daca va conectati din nou nu primiti nimic.

2.Pentru a castiga inca 10 stardollars, va duce-ti la Earn Stardollars si apoi dati click pe Stardoll Offers.Apoi instalati bara Stardoll ( click pe Download the Stardoll toolbar ).Este valabila tot o singura data.

3.Pentru a mai castiga 5 stardollars, trebuie sa te abonezi la canalul de Youtube a Stardoll-ului ( in caz ca nu ai cont de Youtube, poti crea unul fals ).Aceasta oferta o gasiti tot in Stardoll Offers si e valabila tot o singura data.
4.O alta optiune de a castiga starcoins si stardollars este sa va conectati zilnic pe Facebook vizitand aplicatia Stardoll.O data la 10 zile primiti 5 stardollars iar peste alte 10 zile 200 starcoins ( fiind maximele) in timp ce pe fiecare zi primiti un anumit numar de starcoins.

Daca aveti vreo intrebare nu ezitati sa o puneti !

Kisses ♥

Pick of the day

We have the new Hotbuys from Pretty n'Love.It costs 15 stardollars.

Make-up tutorial

I found the following picture and i decided to make a tutorial. xD

Step 1 :

 Step 2 :

 Step 3 :

 Step 4 :

 Step 5 :

 Step 6 :

 Step 7 :

 Step 8 :

Now you're done! xD

Kisses ♥

New decor for NSS

As usually, it costs around 800 starcoins.If you have any question don`t hesitate to ask me.Enjoy xD
(Click the picture to zoom in.)

Kisses ♥

Hot buys Cut Out Leggings released

It costs 15 stardollars. Click here to buy it.
I'll be looking for the real version.Will you buy it? xD

Kisses ♥

Update : I just found the real version xD : 

New dress-up doll - Jannette McCurdy 2

Jannette Michelle Faye McCurdy (born June 26, 1992) is an American film and television actress and country pop singer-songwriter.She is best known for her role as Sam Puckett on the Nickelodeon sitcom iCarly.